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collaborative divorce coach
divorce coaching is available with:
When partners make the difficult decision to end their relationship, going ahead with divorce can seem daunting. You don’t want to go to court, nor do you want to spend thousands of dollars. And the emotions may feel overwhelming.
Collaborative divorce is a no-court approach in which both spouses have legal representation and access to professional experts who provide parenting, financial, and emotional support for you and your children.
These experts can include a financial planner, a parenting specialist and a “divorce coach,” divorce coach is a communication specialist and licensed mental health professional. A divorce coach can help you process the emotions you experience, communicate effectively and help you figure out how to move forward in your life post-separation.
As a registered and licensed mental health professional with special training in Collaborative Divorce coaching, I am available to work with individuals as a divorce coach. I work with other professionals on the collaborative divorce coaching team to bring compassion, dignity and respect to the challenging process of separating.
Click here for more information about the Collaborative Divorce coach Network.
Contact me today to learn more.
“I regularly witness the positive and healthy results from a Collaborative Divorce – parents who are much better able to co-parent together, spouses who each feel that his or her needs have been met in some way in the final resolution, manageable legal costs, and relationships that are not fractured.”
— Deirdre Severide, lawyer